Welcome to Gräfenberg...Priessnitz Spa Resort in Jeseník is situated in the middle of an untouched nature of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains and the Rychlebské Mountains in the northeastern end of the Czech Republic. The spa carries the name of its founder Vincenz Priessnitz, who founded it as the first hydrotherapy institute in the world. Once you visit our spa, its unique genius loci will strike you, as well as the views at the Jeseníky Mountains mountain range or the remarkable architecture of the Priessnitz Hotel. The secret of health, which has been also searched for by kings and dukes in Grafenberg, has often been found in spring mountain water, energetically strong places and clean air enriched by a rare presence of biogenic elements. The unique climate has a positive impact especially on the patients with respiratory diseases, thyroid gland malfunctions, and mental malfunctions. The most remarkable feature of the spa is the Vincenz Priessnitz "Balneopark" - a "water garden" full of cold bath pools, creaks, Priessnitz benches, and Scottish showers. Unique locationPriessnitz Medical Spa is located in a truly beautiful part of the world. Based on the side of a hill that forms the eastern edge of the Rychlebske hory mountains, it is situated about 2 km from the town of Jesenik at an average altitude of 620 metres. The dramatic landscape makes it a most suitable place for treating the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as addressing disorders within the circulatory and nervous system, including the autonomic nerves. The resort benefits from a favourable climate, meaning guests can visit whatever the season. The health resort offers a rather cool climate moving in from the north air current of the Baltic Sea, escaping harmful emissions. From the south, west and south-east, Hrubý Jeseník, Rychlebské hory and the Zlatohorská vrchovina, it is protecte against emissions. In general, a lower level of allergens in the atmosphere subsequently has an influence on the presence of negatively charged lone molecules. Recent systematic analyse have proven the presence of several trace elements, Essentials in order for the body to develop and function properly. The change in environment for individuals to new healthy surroundings not only influences their psychological state but primarily their overall state of health. The spa resort and therapy: how it all began