Tracing witches

Probably few of us have not heard stories about witches having their sabbaths at the Petrovy Rocks in Jeseníky Mountains. These mythical rendez-vous are though closely connected with real blaming and chasing after alleged witches, which took place in Jeseník and in the whole region.

Did you know that the first victim of witch hunts had been Barbora Schmiedová, a wife of a shepherd from Jeseník? Her husband accused her of being a witch just when she was about to pass away. Barbora then underwent torture and on July 3rd, 1622, she was burned to death in the Polish city of Nysa.

You can meet the first alleged witch nearly face to face when visiting the Georgraphy Museum of Jeseník. Since 2012, there is a unique exposition showing the painful history of witch cases. You will go through fire and touch the shackles and torture tools and machines by yourself.